Source code for plotypus.preprocessing

Light curve space transformation preprocessors for regressing upon.
import numpy
from numpy import pi
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from .utils import autocorrelation, rowvec

__all__ = [

[docs]class Fourier(): r""" Transforms observed data from phase-space to Fourier-space. In order to represent a light curve as a Fourier series of the form .. math:: m(t) = A_0 + \sum_{k=1}^n (a_k \sin(k \omega t) + b_k \cos(k \omega t)), phased time observations are transformed into a design matrix :math:`\mathbf{X}` by :func:`Fourier.design_matrix`, such that linear regression can be used to solve for coefficients .. math:: \hat{b} = \begin{bmatrix} A_0 \\ a_1 \\ b_1 \\ \vdots \\ a_n \\ b_n \end{bmatrix} in the matrix equation .. math:: \mathbf{X} \hat{b} = \hat{y} where :math:`\vec{y}` is the vector of observed magnitudes .. math:: \hat{y} = \begin{bmatrix} m_0 \\ m_1 \\ \vdots \\ m_n \end{bmatrix} If *degree_range* is not None, *degree* is selected via :func:`baart_criteria`. Otherwise the provided *degree* is used. **Parameters** degree : positive int, optional Degree of Fourier series to use, assuming *degree_range* is None (default 3). degree_range : 2-tuple or None, optional Range of allowed *degree*\s to search via :func:`baart_criteria`, or None if single provided *degree* is to be used (default None). regressor : object with "fit" and "transform" methods, optional Regression object used for fitting light curve when selecting *degree* via :func:`baart_criteria`. Not used otherwise (default ``sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False)``). """ def __init__(self, degree=3, degree_range=None, regressor=LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False)): = degree self.degree_range = degree_range self.regressor = regressor
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """ Sets ** according to :func:`baart_criteria` if *degree_range* is not None, otherwise does nothing. **Parameters** X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, 1] Column vector of phases. y : array-like or None, shape = [n_samples], optional Row vector of magnitudes (default None). **Returns** self : returns an instance of self """ if self.degree_range is not None: = self.baart_criteria(X, y) return self
[docs] def transform(self, X, y=None, **params): """ Transforms *X* from phase-space to Fourier-space, returning the design matrix produced by :func:`Fourier.design_matrix` for input to a regressor. **Parameters** X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, 1] Column vector of phases. y : None, optional Unused argument for conformity (default None). **Returns** design_matrix : array-like, shape = [n_samples, 2*degree+1] Fourier design matrix produced by :func:`Fourier.design_matrix`. """ data = numpy.dstack((numpy.array(X).T[0], range(len(X))))[0] phase, order = data[data[:,0].argsort()].T design_matrix = self.design_matrix(phase, return design_matrix[order.argsort()]
[docs] def get_params(self, deep=False): """ Get parameters for this preprocessor. **Parameters** deep : boolean, optional Only here for scikit-learn compliance. Ignore it (default False). **Returns** params : dict Mapping of parameter name to value. """ return {'degree':}
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """ Set parameters for this preprocessor. **Returns** self : returns an instance of self """ if 'degree' in params: = params['degree'] return self
[docs] def baart_criteria(self, X, y): """ Returns the optimal Fourier series degree as determined by `Baart's Criteria <;data_type=PDF_HIGH&amp;whole_paper=YES&amp;type=PRINTER&amp;filetype=.pdf>`_ [JOP]_. **Citations** .. [JOP] J. O. Petersen, 1986, "Studies of Cepheid type variability. IV. The uncertainties of Fourier decomposition parameters.", A&A, Vol. 170, p. 59-69 """ try: min_degree, max_degree = self.degree_range except ValueError: raise ValueError("Degree range must be a length two sequence") cutoff = self.baart_tolerance(X) pipeline = Pipeline([('Fourier', Fourier()), ('Regressor', self.regressor)]) sorted_X = numpy.sort(X, axis=0) X_sorting = numpy.argsort(rowvec(X)) for degree in range(min_degree, max_degree): pipeline.set_params(Fourier__degree=degree), y) lc = pipeline.predict(sorted_X) residuals = y[X_sorting] - lc p_c = autocorrelation(residuals) if abs(p_c) <= cutoff: return degree # reached max_degree without reaching cutoff return max_degree
[docs] def baart_tolerance(X): r""" Returns the autocorrelation cutoff of *X* for :func:`baart_criteria`, as given by .. math:: \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 (\operatorname{card}(\mathbf{X}) - 1)}} **Parameters** X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, 1] Column vector of phases **Returns** """ return (2 * (len(X) - 1))**(-1/2)
[docs] def design_matrix(phases, degree): r""" Constructs an :math:`N \times 2n+1` matrix of the form: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} 1 & \sin(1 \cdot 2\pi \cdot \phi_0) & \cos(1 \cdot 2\pi \cdot \phi_0) & \ldots & \sin(n \cdot 2\pi \cdot \phi_0) & \cos(n \cdot 2\pi \cdot \phi_0) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 1 & \sin(1 \cdot 2\pi \cdot \phi_N) & \cos(1 \cdot 2\pi \cdot \phi_N) & \ldots & \sin(n \cdot 2\pi \cdot \phi_N) & \cos(n \cdot 2\pi \cdot \phi_N) \end{bmatrix} where :math:`n =` *degree*, :math:`N =` *n_samples*, and :math:`\phi_i =` *phases[i]*. Parameters ---------- phases : array-like, shape = [n_samples] """ n_samples = phases.size # initialize coefficient matrix M = numpy.empty((n_samples, 2*degree+1)) # indices i = numpy.arange(1, degree+1) # initialize the Nxn matrix that is repeated within the # sine and cosine terms x = numpy.empty((n_samples, degree)) # the Nxn matrix now has N copies of the same row, and each row is # integer multiples of pi counting from 1 to the degree x[:,:] = i*2*numpy.pi # multiply each row of x by the phases x.T[:,:] *= phases # place 1's in the first column of the coefficient matrix M[:,0] = 1 # the odd indices of the coefficient matrix have sine terms M[:,1::2] = numpy.sin(x) # the even indices of the coefficient matrix have cosine terms M[:,2::2] = numpy.cos(x) return M
[docs] def phase_shifted_coefficients(amplitude_coefficients, form='cos', shift=0.0): r""" Converts Fourier coefficients from the amplitude form to the phase-shifted form, as either a sine or cosine series. Amplitude form: .. math:: m(t) = A_0 + \sum_{k=1}^n (a_k \sin(k \omega t) + b_k \cos(k \omega t)) Sine form: .. math:: m(t) = A_0 + \sum_{k=1}^n A_k \sin(k \omega t + \Phi_k) Cosine form: .. math:: m(t) = A_0 + \sum_{k=1}^n A_k \cos(k \omega t + \Phi_k) **Parameters** amplitude_coefficients : array-like, shape = [:math:`2n+1`] Array of coefficients :math:`[ A_0, a_1, b_1, \ldots a_n, b_n ]`. form : str, optional Form of output coefficients, must be one of 'sin' or 'cos' (default 'cos'). shift : number, optional Shift to apply to light curve (default 0.0). **Returns** out : array-like, shape = [:math:`2n+1`] Array of coefficients :math:`[ A_0, A_1, \Phi_1, \ldots, A_n, \Phi_n ]`. """ if form != 'sin' and form != 'cos': raise NotImplementedError( 'Fourier series must have form sin or cos') # separate array of coefficients into respective parts A_0 = amplitude_coefficients[0] a_k = amplitude_coefficients[1::2] b_k = amplitude_coefficients[2::2] degree = a_k.size k = numpy.arange(1, degree+1) # A_k and Phi_k are the angle and hypotenuse in the right triangles # pictured below. A_k is obtained with the Pythagorean theorem, and # Phi_k is obtained with the 2-argument inverse tangent. # The positions of a_k and b_k depend on whether it is a sin or cos # series. # # Cos series Sin series # # b_k /| # --------- / | # \ Φ_k |_| / | # \ | A_k / | # \ | / | b_k # \ | a_k / | # A_k \ | / _| # \ | / Φ_k | | # \ | --------- # \| a_k # A_k = numpy.sqrt(a_k**2 + b_k**2) # phase coefficients are shifted to the left by optional ``shift`` if form == 'cos': Phi_k = numpy.arctan2(-a_k, b_k) + 2*pi*k*shift elif form == 'sin': Phi_k = numpy.arctan2(b_k, a_k) + 2*pi*k*shift # constrain Phi between 0 and 2*pi Phi_k %= 2*pi phase_shifted_coefficients_ = numpy.empty(amplitude_coefficients.shape, dtype=float) phase_shifted_coefficients_[0] = A_0 phase_shifted_coefficients_[1::2] = A_k phase_shifted_coefficients_[2::2] = Phi_k return phase_shifted_coefficients_
[docs] def fourier_ratios(phase_shifted_coeffs): r""" Returns the :math:`R_{j1}` and :math:`\phi_{j1}` values for the given phase-shifted coefficients. .. math:: R_{j1} = A_j / A_1 .. math:: \phi_{j1} = \phi_j - j \phi_1 **Parameters** phase_shifted_coeffs : array-like, shape = [:math:`2n+1`] Fourier sine or cosine series coefficients. :math:`[ A_0, A_1, \Phi_1, \ldots, A_n, \Phi_n ]`. **Returns** out : array-like, shape = [:math:`2n+1`] Fourier ratios :math:`[ R_{21}, \phi_{21}, \ldots, R_{n1}, \phi_{n1} ]`. """ n_coeff = phase_shifted_coeffs.size # n_coeff = 2*degree + 1 => degree = (n_coeff-1)/2 degree = (n_coeff - 1) / 2 amplitudes = phase_shifted_coeffs[1::2] phases = phase_shifted_coeffs[2::2] # there are degree-1 amplitude ratios, and degree-1 phase deltas, # so altogether there are 2*(degree-1) values ratios = numpy.empty(2*(degree-1), dtype=float) amplitude_ratios = ratios[::2] phase_deltas = ratios[1::2] # amplitudes may be zero, so suppress division by zero warnings with numpy.errstate(divide="ignore"): amplitude_ratios[:] = amplitudes[1:] amplitude_ratios /= amplitudes[0] # indices for phase deltas i = numpy.arange(2, degree+1) phase_deltas[:] = phases[1:] phase_deltas -= i*phases[0] # constrain phase_deltas between 0 and 2*pi phase_deltas %= 2*pi return ratios