CLI Intermediate Guide ====================== .. note:: This guide assumes you have already completed the `Beginner's Guide `_. Now that you know how to fit and plot light curves, it is time you learn to set some of the fitting parameters. First, create an empty directory, named *plotypus-intermediate-tutorial*, and enter it:: >> mkdir plotypus-intermediate-tutorial >> cd plotypus-intermediate-tutorial To demonstrate the utility of different parameters, you will need a more diverse set of light curves. We have provided a sample of OGLE-III stars `here `_ [USSP]_. Download and extract the files with:: >> curl -O >> tar -xvzf ogle-sample1.tar.gz Now your directory should look like this:: plotypus-intermediate-tutorial/ ├── ogle-sample1 │ ├── OGLE-BLG-RRLYR-02924.dat │ ├── OGLE-LMC-CEP-0674.dat │ └── OGLE-SMC-CEP-0668.dat └── ogle-sample1.tar.gz Let us begin by finding the period of each star, and saving it to a file. RR Lyrae have much shorter periods than Cepheids, so we are going to want to search over a different range for that one. First, we are going to process the two Cepheids:: >> ls -d -1 ogle-sample1/*CEP* | plotypus --min-period 4.0 --max-period 9.0 > output.dat Now we are going to append the RR Lyrae data to that table:: >> plotypus -i ogle-sample1/OGLE-BLG-RRLYR-02924.dat --min-period 0.2 --max-period 1.0 | tail -n 1 >> output.dat Take a look inside *output.dat*, it should be a table with 3 entries. We now want to extract the names and periods, so that we can supply them to plotypus on future runs. Run:: >> tail -n +2 output.dat | cut -f 1,2 --output-delimiter=" " > periods.dat Parallelism ----------- Everything we have done up to here has ran sequentially, processing the first star, *then* the second, *then* the third, etc. Wouldn't it be great if you could make use of your multi-core processor (assuming you have one)? Well, you can. Just provide the ``--star-processes N`` option, where ``N`` is the number of processes you want to use. Try to keep ``N`` no larger than your computer's total number of cores, because making ``N`` too large will just slow your machine down. Let's try processing the 3 stars with 3 processes, using the periods we just obtained:: >> plotypus -i ogle-sample1/ -o plots/ --periods periods.dat --star-processes 3 Compare how long that took to using only one process as before:: >> plotypus -i ogle-sample1/ -o plots/ --periods periods.dat Now imagine the difference that would make when processing thousands of stars, using a computer with many cores. We are going to stick with 3 for the rest of this tutorial, since there are only 3 stars. Selectors and Regressors ------------------------ Now we are going to introduce you to selectors and regressors. When fitting a light curve, after the period is found, the observations are transformed from temporal-space to phase-space. They are then transformed into Fourier-space, which describes them as an :math:`n^\text{th}` degree `Fourier series `_, by means of `regression analysis `_. However, the choice of degree :math:`n` is non-trivial. A perfect fitting function would have degree :math:`n = \infty`, but that is not possible for real world data. We want to choose :math:`n` large enough to describe the data, but keep it as small as possible. This is where selectors come in. Selectors ^^^^^^^^^ A selector used in astronomy for many years now is Baart's criteria. See :func:`plotypus.preprocessing.Fourier.baart_criteria` for details. In order to tell plotypus to use this selector, include the ``--selector Baart`` option when calling it. We are also going to tell plotypus to restrict its search between degrees ``2`` and ``20``, which happens to be the default behaviour. Let's try it for the 3 stars:: >> plotypus -i ogle-sample1/ -o baart-plots/ --periods periods.dat --star-processes 3 --fourier-degree 2 20 --selector Baart > baart-output.dat You can take a look through the output table, and plots if you'd like. A selector used often in fields outside astronomy is `grid search `_, which does a much more exhaustive search of the parameters. In order to tell plotypus to use this instead of Baart, include the ``--selector GridSearch`` option when calling it, although it is the option used by default:: >> plotypus -i ogle-sample1/ -o gridsearch-plots/ --periods periods.dat --star-processes 3 --fourier-degree 2 20 --selector GridSearch > gridsearch-output.dat The plots should look almost identical. Let's take a look at the Fourier degrees they both selected, along with the :math:`R^2` of the fits:: >> cut -f 1,7,9 baart-output.dat >> cut -f 1,7,9 gridsearch-output.dat You should notice a difference here for sure. Regressors ^^^^^^^^^^ Now that you have tried different methods of selecting the fit degree, it is time to try different methods for creating the fit itself. A Fourier series takes the form .. math:: m(t) = A_0 + \sum_{k=1}^n A_k \cos(k \omega t + \Phi_k) Regression seeks to solve for coefficients :math:`A_0`, :math:`A_k`, and :math:`\Phi_k`. Linear regression is the simplest form of regression, but since this series is non-linear with respect to those coefficients, we use some trigonometry to manipulate the series into the form .. math:: m(t) = A_0 + \sum_{k=1}^n [ a_k \sin(k \omega t) + b_k \cos(k \omega t) ] Now we can use linear regression to solve for :math:`A_0`, :math:`a_k`, and :math:`b_k`. Linear regression, in general, seeks to find the vector :math:`\hat{b}` which minimizes the error in the equation .. math:: \mathbf{X} \hat{b} = \hat{y} So we must first formulate the Fourier series into the design matrix :math:`\mathbf{X}` (see :func:`plotypus.preprocessing.Fourier.design_matrix`) and arrange the magnitudes into the vector :math:`\hat{y}`. This is all done internally in plotypus, so you don't have to worry about it. What you *do* have to think about, however, is *how* it solves for :math:`\hat{b}`. There are many methods for solving such an equation, and plotypus currently comes with two. The simplest and most straight forward method is ordinary least squares, or `OLS `_ for short. This method finds the vector :math:`\hat{b}` which minimizes .. math:: ||\mathbf{X} \hat{b} - \hat{y}||_2, where :math:`||x||_2` denotes the :math:`L_2`-norm. To tell plotypus to use this method, simply provide the ``--regressor OLS`` option. We are going to combine it with Baart's criteria as the selector, as that is a combination commonly used in astronomy:: >> plotypus -i ogle-sample1/ -o baart-ols-plots/ --periods periods.dat --star-processes 3 --fourier-degree 2 20 --selector Baart --regressor OLS > baart-ols-output.dat Another regression method, used commonly in machine learning and statistics, is the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, or `LASSO `_ for short. In addition to seeking to minimize the error, LASSO seeks to minimize the sum of the components of :math:`\hat{b}`, even driving some of them to zero. Since two values are being minimized, they must each be assigned a certain weight, and thus LASSO seeks to minimize .. math:: ||\mathbf{X} \hat{b} - \hat{y}||_2 + \lambda ||\hat{b}||_1 where :math:`||x||_1` denotes the :math:`L_1`-norm. :math:`\lambda` is yet another value which must be chosen, and can be done so in many ways including `cross validation `_ and `least-angle regression `_, the latter of which is used in plotypus. To tell plotypus to use this method, provide the option ``--regressor Lasso``. We are going to combine this with grid search:: >> plotypus -i ogle-sample1/ -o gridsearch-lasso-plots/ --periods periods.dat --star-processes 3 --fourier-degree 2 20 --selector GridSearch --regressor Lasso > gridsearch-lasso-output.dat Outlier Detection ----------------- The stars we have processed so far have all had very well behaved data, as far as variable stars go. Now consider a less well behaved star, with lots of outlier points. We don't want those outliers harming our results. One star of particular interest from the OGLE-III catalog is `OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227 `_ [USSP]_, a Cepheid which is part of an `eclipsing binary system `_. Download the photometry:: >> curl -O Now try fitting it with both methods we've used, allowing them both to find the period (we'll constrain it between 3 and 4 days to save time). For the sake of demonstration, we are going to add the parameter ``--sigma 9999``, which will ensure that nothing is marked as an outlier:: >> plotypus -i OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227.dat -o baart-ols-plots/ --min-period 3.0 --max-period 4.0 --selector Baart --regressor OLS --sigma 9999 > 0227-baart-ols.dat >> plotypus -i OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227.dat -o gridsearch-lasso-plots/ --min-period 3.0 --max-period 4.0 --selector GridSearch --regressor Lasso --sigma 9999 > 0227-gridsearch-lasso.dat Now take a look at the plots generated in the *baart-ols-plots* and *gridsearch-lasso-plots* directories, both named *OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227.png*. They should look something like this: .. image:: images/OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227-without-sigma.png Those outliers caused by its companion star are really problematic. Let's try that again, but this time with a lower sigma. The default is 20, so we'll go with that:: >> plotypus -i OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227.dat -o baart-ols-plots/ --min-period 3.0 --max-period 4.0 --selector Baart --regressor OLS --sigma 20 > 0227-baart-ols.dat >> plotypus -i OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227.dat -o gridsearch-lasso-plots/ --min-period 3.0 --max-period 4.0 --selector GridSearch --regressor Lasso --sigma 20 > 0227-gridsearch-lasso.dat This time it should come out much better. Notice the outliers have been colored green instead of blue: .. image:: images/OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227-mad.png In addition to providing a cutoff *sigma*, you can also provide the method by which sigma-clipping is performed. The default method is `median absolute deviation `_, which can be given explicitly with the ``--sigma-clipping mad`` option. The alternative is to use `standard deviation `_ with the ``--sigma-clipping std`` option. You will want to use a much smaller *sigma* value for this, compared to before. Let's give it a try:: >> plotypus -i OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227.dat -o gridsearch-lasso-plots/ --min-period 3.0 --max-period 4.0 --selector GridSearch --regressor Lasso --sigma 2 --sigma-clipping std > 0227-gridsearch-lasso.dat It's not terrible, but notice there are many outliers which have not been marked as such: .. image:: images/OGLE-LMC-CEP-0227-std.png That concludes this guide. We recommend you download the OGLE-III catalog yourself and try running plotypus on more of the data there. **Citations** .. [USSP] Udalski, A. ; Szymanski, M. K. ; Soszynski, I. ; Poleski, R., 2008, "The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Final Reductions of the OGLE-III Data", Acta Astronomica, vol. 58, pp. 69-87